-STAMINA: Resistencia
-REGRET: Remordimiento
-CAUTIOUS: Prudente
-NEGLIGENT: Negligente
-RUN THE RISK: Correr el riesgo
AFRAID: Tener miedo
-BE AWARE OF: Ser consciente de
-RESIST: Resistirse
-OUTDO: Superar
FACTOR: Factor de riesgo
THE RISK: Evaluar el riesgo
SUPPORT: Prestar apoyo
-RESCUE WORKERS: Equipo de rescate
-PUT SOMEONE AT RISK: Poner a alguien en riesgo
-IT IS NOT WORTH THE RISK: No merece la pena correr
el riesgo
-AT THE RISK OF ONE´S LIFE: de arriesgar su vida
SHOTS: Coger el toro por los cuernos
-TO TAKE TIME OUT: Pedir un tiempo muerto
-TO BE FRONT OF YOUR RUNNER: Ser el favorito de la
-KEEP AN EYE ON: Estar atento
-KICK OFF: Empezar
-THROW IN THE TOWEL: Tirar la toalla
-THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT: La pelota está en tu
-GET A SECOND WIND: Recuperar las fuerzas
-STAMINA: Resistencia -SURFING:
Satisfacción -SKYDIVING: Paracaidismo
-REGRET: Remordimiento -MOTORCYCLING: Motociclismo
-NEGLIGENT: Negligente -CLIMBING: Escalada
Indefenso -TO CHEER: Animar
Impredecible -DANGER: Peligro
-RUN THE RISK: Correr el riesgo -OVERCOME: Superar
Arriesgarse -GIVE UP: Rendirse
AFRAID: Tener miedo -HELMET:
-BE AWARE OF: Ser consciente de -EQUIPMENT: Equipamiento
-RESIST: Resistirse -PEAK: Cima
-OUTDO: Superar -MARKS: Marcas
FACTOR: Factor de riesgo -ACHIEVEMENTS: Logros
THE RISK: Evaluar el riesgo -SCORE: Puntuación
-PROVIDE SUPPORT: Prestar apoyo -SPORTSMANSHIP: Deportividad
Vocabulary about the enviroment
In the nature
-Ecosystem: ecosistema
-Nature: naturaleza
-Rain forest: bosque tropical
especies en peligro de extinción
-Shore: costa
level: nivel del mar
-Hurricane: huracán
-Storm / thunderstorm: tempestad
Ecology and renewable energies
repoblación forestal
-Eco-friendly: que no daña el medio ambiente
energía eólica
energy: energía solar
-Environmentalist: ecologista
energía renovable
car: coche eléctrico
sharing: compartir coche
layer: capa de ozono
Nocive for the enviroment
-To pollute:
-Climate change:
cambio climático
warming: calentamiento global
effect: efecto invernadero
-Carbon dioxide: dióxido de carbono
rain: lluvia ácida
-Noise pollution:
contaminación acústica
substance: sustancia radiactiva
-Wild fire:incendioforestal
-Deforestation: deforestación
Chemicals: sustancias químicas
residuos tóxicos
-Radioactivity: radioactividad
garbage: basura
efects: efectos secundarios
stroke: un dolor
médico de cabecera
Pass out: desmayarse
Come around: recuperar el conocimiento
Stuffed up: congestionado
Trow up: vomitar
Get over: recuperarse
Cut off: amputar
Vicep away: prevenir
Asthma: asma
-An Apple a day keeps the doctor
away: Comer saludable te mantiene en buena forma
-Laughter is the best medicine: La risa es útil para un buen estado emocional
-Taste of your own medicine: Enseñarle una lección a alguien
-Have one foot in the grave: Estar cerca de la muerte
How important are social media sites to you?
Nowadays, it is very common among society the use of social networks: we share images of our daily life, videos with friends. We share our life and give a lot of information to our peers. However, should we share all this? The information is only seen by our friends?
On the one hand, social media is able to communicate us with everyone. First, it has many advantages, because as humans, we need to relate, and technology helps us to do that. Therefore, we can see a lot of information about a person, because surely in his profile there are photos with his family, on sites he visits, videos with his friends. So, can we meet a person just by looking at their social media? Largely yes. The question is: where is the dark side of all this?
On the other hand, all that glitters is not gold. When a person uploads something to the Internet, it is practically impossible to delete it, because it will always be kept somewhere. One of our fundamental rights is privacy, and sharing so much information violates that right. Also, that’s not all, there are more disadvantages. Let me exemplify it with the following example. Imagine a thief wants to enter your house. Only by visiting your social networks can know if you are inside the house or if, for example, you are on holiday in another city.
In conclusion, sharing information with our friends is fine, but we must control ourselves, as we often believe that the information we share is only seen by our friends and is not, but this isn’t correct. As the well-known Erin Bury, manager of the Sprouter community said, "Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want to be exposed in a panoramic ad with your face on it." Remember, better safe than sorry
you think that getting drunk is a good way to spend your free time? Why? Why not?
It is often said among young people that alcohol is a key element in a party. It is highly probable that many people go to the parties in large part because they drink alcohol. A problem that is often debated nowadays is that of the excess of this drink. But can we be sure that alcohol consumption is harmful in any way? Is it compatible to have fun and not drink alcohol?
On the one hand, we should consider the many activities that we can do in our free time, such as sports or playing board games with friends, for example. In all these activities, you don´t need alcohol to spend fun moments, as some of them are much better than a party with alcohol and other substances like drugs. Another advantage of spending our free time without alcohol is the health benefits. For example, it is well known that not consuming alcohol avoids brain damages and improves our heart health.
On the other hand, for the great majority of people, drinking alcohol is as essential at a party as the air we breathe. One instance could be fact that they usually drink alcohol at a party. In theory, they do this to have a better time, but you can’t have your cake and eat it, because then there are a few consequences that we can’t forget. Let me exemplify this concept with the large number of ethylic comas produced during the year.
To sum up, alcohol may help you enjoy parties more, but drinking too much alcohol can cause serious damages. Personally, I don’t like much alcohol, as it has a flavour similar to the cologne. As far as I am concerned, I enjoy much more the moments I spend talking to my friends or watching movies, than those that only have music for the only purpose of dancing and drinking.
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